I immediately assessed the situation, including patient acuity levels, nurse workload, and available resources. I collaborated with the nursing team to understand their concerns and challenges. I communicated the challenges to hospital administration, advocating for temporary adjustments to the patient-to-nurse ratio policy during the surge to ensure patient safety and quality care. My purpose for preferring communication with the administration was that other departments’ nurses would not be able to attend to emergency patients, for their expertise is in other departments, and taking a risk at that moment would have jeopardized patient health and life.
However, I worked to allocate additional resources, meaning extra staff who can assist emergency department nurses to manage workload and address patient needs. The actions align with ACHE codes of ethics as fairness demands thoughtful decisions for organizational policy and protects integrity through communication with nurses and administration. Moreover, the acuity assessment, additional resources, and temporary policy change, all efforts aligned with patient safety and high-quality care possible in alignment to ACHE and professional code of conduct (ACHE, 2023).
Summarizing this self-assessment, I have reflected on my experiences in leadership, collaboration, and ethical decision-making within a healthcare environment. I have contributed to successful QI projects and ensured optimal patient care outcomes. These experiences have reinforced the importance of ethical principles, effective communication, and teamwork in achieving organizational goals and promoting a culture of excellence in healthcare delivery.
ACHE. (2023, December 5). ACHE code of ethics. Ache.org. https://www.ache.org/about-ache/our-story/our-commitments/ethics/ache-code-of-ethics
ANA. (2020). Ethics and human rights. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/ethics/